What does camel milk taste like?
Camel Milk can vary significantly in flavour. Sometimes it can be salty. Sometimes sweet. We have found that moving the farm to the pristine south east of SA has resulted in a sweet, light and absolutely delicious tasting milk!
How do you milk a camel?
A camel has four teats and we use a milking machine much like a small scale cow dairy. The difference is, that a camel is much more intensive to milk than a cow. First, a camel averages only 4 litres of milk per milking. Second, due to the infancy of camel milking with machines, the machines are not designed for the vast array of camel teats from the wild! Therefor, a milker must sit with each individual camel from the start of the milking session to the end to ensure a proper milk out! It is time consuming and physically demanding to milk a camel properly!
Can everyone drink camel milk?
If you are lactose intolerant or suffer cow milk protein allergy, you should be able to enjoy camel milk! We've never met anyone yet who has had a reaction to camel milk! So, if you are tired of soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, rice milk etc, make the switch to camel milk! Aren't we all lucky to be able to buy camel milk in Australia!
What are the health benefits of camel milk?
Research documents many benefits of camel milk. Humpalicious Camel Milk has been directly involved in international studies conducted by a very large dairy company in the creation of a new and safer infant formula powder based on camel milk. So we know for sure that the world of food science and product development is taking camel milk very seriously!
For centuries, camel milk has been a life sustaining source of nutrition for nomadic cultures in harsh environments like deserts.
Camel milk is rich in many important nutrients. Being different from other milks, camel milk has low sugar and cholesterol and high minerals (sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium, and vitamin C). It’s also lower in saturated fat while being a good source of healthy fats, such as long-chain fatty acids, linoleic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids.
As well as being very much lower in lactose, Camel milk also has a different protein profile than cow’s milk and does not appear to illicit an immune response by those with an allergy to cow’s milk. We have clients with severe cow milk allergy and they are doing great on camel milk!
Containing insulin like proteins, Camel milk has been shown to lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity in people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Studies indicate that camel milk provides the equivalent of 52 units of insulin per about 4 cups (1 litre). It’s also high in zinc, which may help improve insulin sensitivity.
Camel milk contains compounds that appear to fight various disease-causing organisms. The two main active components in camel milk are lactoferrin and immunoglobulins, proteins that may give camel milk its immune-boosting properties. Lactoferrin has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Additional research suggests that camel whey protein is responsible for the milk’s ability to fight harmful organisms. It may have antioxidant properties that help your body fight free radical damage.
We also have dedicated families using camel milk for autism. Observations in trials have revealed benefits such as normalisation of gut function and bowl movements, increased willingness to eat a wider variety of foods, increased eye contact and increased well being.
Can I feed camel milk to my baby?
Camel milk is high in protein compared to mother's milk, so best not to feed to your baby until they are 10-12 months old. The research we have received from international trials involving our milk show that the protein profile must be modified for use in infant formula. However, if your child is 10 months or older, camel milk is a great addition to your child's diet, especially those unable to tolerate other animal milks or in need of extra nutrition and support.
I am lactose or casein intolerant, can I drink camel milk?
We have many customers both big and small with lactose intolerance or casein allergies and they have been able to tolerate and enjoy camel milk!
Is Humpalicious Camel Milk Homogenised?
No. Camel Milk is naturally low fat and does not need to be homogenised. Camel Milk is considered by many a superfood and we see no reason to mess with that.
Can I buy raw camel milk?
At the moment retail outlets can only sell pasteurised camel milk. We are working with the dairy authority to secure a raw milk license.
Where to buy Humpalicious Camel Milk?
Are you asking yourself where can I find camel milk?! is there any camel milk near me?! Where can I find camel milk for sale?! There are several options to buy Humpalicious Camel Milk. You can buy camel milk online here, and the milk will be express delivered frozen to your door. You can also buy camel milk in stores around South Australia, click here for store locations.
What is the price of Camel Milk?
Click here to view the online store where you can find out the price of camel milk packs.
Is Humpalicious Camel Milk Organic?
Although we are not certified organic, here on the Humpalicious Camel Farm our camels feast upon a wide variety of natural pastures, trees, shrubs and ground covers including salt bush, acacias, grasses and clovers. Our pastures grow naturally, and are not fertilised or sprayed, or even irrigated. Everything is as nature intended.
Tell us more about how your farm is renewably powered?
We are the only renewably powered camel dairy in Australia and perhaps the world! We have a solar and wind system that is stand alone. We are not connected to the grid. When buying Humpalicious Camel Milk you are buying a greener product!
Can Camel Milk help with immune and antiviral support?
In the current climate of COVID19 reality, it is important to stay healthy and strong. Our bodies need support and nutrition like never before. And one of the best real, whole foods on the market is camel milk. An ancient superfood. A modern dairy.
In The World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, a review of the medicinal properties of camel milk states that camel milk contains disease fighting immunoglobulins which are proven to penetrate upon consumption, boosting the consumer’s immune system.
Recently, the unique features of the camel immune system and its possible health benefits to humans has been noticed by and put into practical use by biotechnology companies all over the world.
Camel milk also contains powerful anti-viral properties in the form of Lactoferrin. In the published article Antiviral Properties of Lactoferrin – A Natural Immunity Molecule, it is explained that lactoferrin interacts with viral cell surfaces inhibiting viral adhesion and entry into host cells. The article states:
The capability of lactoferrin to exert a potent antiviral activity, through its binding to host cells and/or viral particles... strengthens the idea that lactoferrin is an important brick in the mucosal wall, effective against viral attacks and it could be usefully applied as novel strategy for treatment of viral infections.
In a recent article titled Lactoferrin: A Natural Antimicrobial Protein, camel lactoferrin was found to exert the highest antibacterial/antiviral action. The authors state that:
Lactoferrin suppresses Influenza virus infiltration of inflammatory cells in the lungs.
As well as great immune and anti-viral activity, camel milk also contains high concentrations of potassium, magnesium, copper, sodium, zinc, iron, B Vitamins, Vitamin C.
Regular drinking of camel milk makes the immune system stronger, helps to protect against virus and has no known allergic responses meaning camel milk can be used by all.